Thursday 31 January 2013

top up

topup ! mak nak topap ! nak topap,urgent ni ! teettt,,topap masuk '' kahkah ,,tak hidup ke kalau tak topap ? Mkay,topap atau dengan lebih sinonimnya ialah tambah nilai pada handphone , topap ni sangatlah penting bagi semua org yedak ? tak kesio kate org perak kalau kita nak call org terkedek2 beratur panjang2 kat depan public phone . itu dulu2 kay, tapi sekarang seiringan dengan dunia yg semakin maju ni,takmain dah semua tu..tapi kalau darurat aku nampak kau depan publoc phone siap !!

kadang2 kalau kekurangan duit poket,memang aku takambik keputusan untuk mencuri semata-mata nak topup .nak call/massage siapa je pun,,itu aku,tapi tak tau la plak kalau org lain.mungkin topup itu adalah jantung hati diorang kan,ia lah,nak mesej awek/pakwa kan,tapi amacam kalau tak topup2 smpai bila2,clash terus agaknya pasangan itu,,errrr,,bahaya jugak penangan topup ni...ayopppp

kalau ikutkan hati,nak je aku pi cari siapa yang memulakan tradisi topap menopap semua ni,boleh cilok sikit idea diorang tu untuk topap fon aku ni,dapat hari2 pun best jugak uols,,pernah jugak kawan2 aku try ubah2 nombor topap dekat card topap tu kan,tapi memang tak menjadi,,betapa terperincinya diorang mengubah nombor topap itu,err tension2,,silap haribulan boleh mati henpon kalau dah try banyak kali dan terus hang ! kahkah,aaa padan muko,,degill..

kalau ikut logik akal memang itu nombor sahaja,tetapi akal kita sebagai manusia jugak sukar nak mencapai tahap sampai boleh ubah coding kad topap tu kan . macamana lah diorang buat bagi nombor topap tu tak sama dengan nombor topap yang lain ??&tertanya2...bijaknya akal siapa ? manusia kah ? mesin kah ? aku pun taktahu..

kalau mengikut kondisi henphone aku sekarang ini,aku memang tak boleh topap banyak2,sebab aku buat SOS topap,then hati ni malas gila nak bayar balik ! gila kau,dah hutang taknak bayar balik . biar padan muko hotlink menunggu aku topap banyak dan dia akan terus tarik,memang tak lah ! siapa suruh jugak wujudkan tambah nilai rm3 ringgit,kan dah menyesal ,manusia bijak ahh ! mkayy,,bye...kahkahkah ~

Wednesday 30 January 2013


assalamualaikum /
aku memang suka buat kerja gila kan . orang lain masa sekarang ni sedang enak dibuai mimpi golek2 dengan Aaron aziz,aku masih lagi menghadap netbook kecik molek ni,tapi apakan daya,walaupun seharian kerja,tapi penatnya masih lagi aku boleh tanggung . rezeki doa tiap malam kan,.walaupun tidur lambat tapi mata ni alhamdulillah tak penah nak buat kerja gila tidur time kerja . tapi,kalau masalah ini berlaku usah ditanya kenapa aku tetiba tak kerja ..errr''

okay,sebenarnya aku tak tidur lagi ni sebab sedang sibuk berbalas2 mesej dengan teman sekolah dulu . almaklumlah aku time sekolah dulu dah ambik kerja sambiln sebagai orang tengah antara si polan dengan si polan kan,, so,bila dah habis sekolah ni susah lah nak face to face,nak hadap muka dia then ngadu blablabla kan,,,sanggup la mati-matian mesej aku smpai tengah malam macam ni , takpe2,ayat diatas pun memang menunjukkan kondisi aku masih lagi stabil,tak rasa ngantuk pun lagi mata ni,mybe setan dah tidur awal dah kot ,besok deme pun kan nak bangun solat subuh ..*contohilah mereka.haha

btw,tak sangka pulak dia tahan lagi mesej2 dengan aku sekarang ni,setengah kawan2 yg lain tak pernah dibuat macam ni ..tak taulah pulak kan kot2 mata pejam time type mesej ni,tapi tak tertypo pun,Lahai ~ hebaknya engko ..mkay,setakat ini jelah entry tengah pagi ni,.BTW,happy 31 january 2013.sedar2 dah hari terakhir bulan januari dah pun kan..kay kay,bye ~

Tuesday 29 January 2013

comel nya dia ''

 okay,,entry ni tidak ada kena mengena langsung dengan tajuk diatas ! aku dah tak tahu nak bagi tajuk ape,soo aku puji jelah siapa2 yg aku rasa terperuk didalam hati aku ni .btw,aku baru je balik dari cuti selama sehari ! sehari pun  nak kesah kan ?  dalam masa sehari semuanya aku selesaikan dalam masa yang ada tu.account maybank dah pun bukak,so hati masih menunggu gaji , tapi lambat lagi ! 17bharibulan baru masuk.tensen tensen tensen !! rasa nak putaq ja masa ni suruh laju sikit , nak pakai duit sgt2 ni youu..

bukak je facebook tadi kawan2 pakat kata diorang dapat tawaran UITM ! pasaipa aku takdek ape2 berita/tanyakhabar pun pasal itu , hati ni memang meronta2 tahap gaban dah ni tak sabar2 nak melangkah masuk universiti,lebih2 lagi favo universiti iaitu UITM ! walaupun takdapat  merasa lagi nikmatnya masuk uitm tu,tapi memang aura uitm sedang memanggil2 aku suruh belajar kat situ.dengar cerita ramai pulak tu budak sekolah aku dapat ! tak acii errr..

kay ahh.doa2kanlah aku dapat naaa..bye sayang2ku * gila ramai awek engko ! tuih3

pedulikan gambar aku dah macam ''org minyak'' kat belakang tu..SNSD jangan marah aku curi lirik kome''

Sunday 27 January 2013

bad habits

with my sister as know as ''kakak cook''

 hello ! anybody here ?
kay takdek sape'' Who would want to accompany me tonight? err..btw,i want to share someting dekat uols , uols jelah yang ada dekat dengan aku sekarang ni . the problem is , when i can stay away from that bad habits ? i dont want to share what is the ! i just say ''bad habits'' smoking NO ! drugs NO ! all no no no !~ hanya aku sahaja yang tahu apakah dia '' bad habits'' itu ! btw,it has been my intention ! but ,everything has not been reached . sedih gila ..why myself is so cruel ? why the devil is always instigated me ? idont want to do that ! dont want ! dont want ! hate myself already !! i worry if something happen with me if i always do that bad habits ! when i read some article about the bad habit , i feel scared ! soooo scared ..

However, time has passed , i must find the windup/solution i should stop it ! i must hate that habits ! i must throw away that habits .. i must measles into trash ! and i want to trample until squashed ! errr,,so shy when i remember the old story ..i hate myself now ! i not keeping my promises .! i hope so i will forget to do the habits !i should be more mature a piece of prayer as a hope not to repeat it again

''ya allah ! ampunilah segala dosa-dosa aku ! terangilah hati aku dengan 'nur' mu ya allah ! sesungguhnya aku insan yang lemah ! kuatkanlah semangat aku untuk terus berjalan diatas jalanmu ya allah ! kuatkanlah semangat aku untuk terus berubah ya allah ! sesungguhnya engkau maha mendengar lagi maha melihat''

i hope god hear my orison ..aminn ya rabbal alamin..
jam : 2.49 pagi ..
today : my little bro birthday !

my wish for you , '' hope,,he will be the king of my family one day ! be proud of norhayati and nasir son .. be a ''hafiz'' a brother , i will always support you until die ! in syaa allah !! hope so his dream reached . aminn..

muhamad nursyaqel bin mohammad nasir ''birthday boy''

lunch time

sometimes luch , sometimes tidak . that's me ! i get l a lunch if my schedule of work exceed 5 hours , then all staff can get meal for their break . but ! my lunch everyday is the same menu ! tension tension ! miss my mom cooking , longing love mom's cooking . errrr '' can aa mak datang sini bawak lauk hari2 ?

today's meal is err,,,what we call that ? ah ! lupa ,nopp ! tak tersenarai pun nama menu ini !! but,i call ''nasi ayam'' je kut , plus bicarbonat waterr .. gila xD bertan-tan air gas dalam perut ! bahaya , bahaya !!siap snap gambar lagi uouls !

bosan kan if hari-hari makan menu yang the way , boleh jugak ambil meal''zinger burger''tappi risau pulak tak kenyang kan . almaklumlaa makan sekali sehari !! tapau sekali untuk hari esok xD.pukul 6 setengah masuk kerja balik ! bye

Saturday 26 January 2013

im just normal person

today ! my work not soo longer ! only briefly . so, the waste time i just used for online . facebook friends be my friends at this evening  , ohh ! so bored man..the past 2days i off day , so i made a decision to return home . then today i come back for doing my work . 2days i only used the time to break . i was tired of working , so i just ress and sleep .ohh ! sangatlah best !

thats only intro of my entry , the whole things is here ,! i want story something here ,relating to editorial . ''im just normal person '' looks , i am i ! not to be other person . i was very sad when someone told me blablabla ears cannot accept it ! even more when the person surmount infront of me ..i look like wits // but i just ignore what they want to reprobate me . i come here not to fight but to work , to find lawful sustenance . syafiq,just ignore them !

i hope , God is always with me to face all these challenges .. let people be saying anything about myself .''diorang kan suka kata-kata orang ni kan '' bagikann..they are perfect ! anything about them is perfect ! not like myself ..tension ! tension ! tension !!  20hours flow like water only . nothing do at that time .. kebosanan melanda .KBYE ..

Wednesday 23 January 2013

chinese people wish ''maulidur rasul''

new entry at dawn . looks ! im not sleep today ! i dont know why ! mybe because i felt very excited making this blog kut . yes , making a simple looks , nice to see , and veryvery fast speed on the moderation ! jyeah ! i like it ..

sudah menjelang subuh ni , kalau nak ambil keputusan untuk tidur memang tak lah , mungkin pukul 1 petang pun tak akan bangun kut ! disebabkan itu , aku ambil keputusan untuk tidak lelapkan mata , walaupun setan dah sepakat bergayut2 di kelopak mata ni ,aku tetap melawan mereka sekor2.dalam pada masa yang sama solat subuh aku sah2 tak miss . bijak keputusan aku .

okay ! lets start our journey . the story begin when i open my facebook account , i get one mention from my chinese friends . he wish ''SALAM MAULIDUR RASUL 12 RABIUL AWAL 1434 HIJRAH,24 JANUARI 2013 n Buat semua rakan fb saya....''
i feel more surprise because chinese man wish like that to his muslim friend . im as his friend veryvery proud because have friend like that . so, as a muslim you have wishes like that ? btw,what is his reason ah ? adakah dia have done interested in the religion of islam ? if he interested ! i agree one hundred percent if he take the way . be my muslim partner * ohhh , ! i imagine now..kalau masih susah lagi nak percaya , nah aku kasi 'prove'

err,kan dah percaya .
as muslim , we must proud on his action , because he also remembered the ''maulidur rasul'' day . as a muslim also , we must to try harder to persuade him try to follow ''agama islam'' we no need to force , but slowly invite him with lenient action have another printscreen from someone ask him ' when he want to change his name to blablabla' just see the printscreen//

the prove of islamic we can see there kan ?

next , time to we as a muslim support him  !!  persuade him to 'jalan ALLAH' sesungguhnya kita sebagai orang islam cuba meramaikan lagi kelompok umat nabi muhammad terus ke jalan allah ! insyaallah !!*dont forget your subuh aaa..

this is mann''

my second entry in a dark night today is i want to show a little bit about my bro ! also the owner of this is Mannn! blog . since i know him , i had the opportunity to learn lot of thing. he teach me lot ! his also wise in photography ! he like to play with lens'' making more fun only from camera lenses.

for me , he is suitable to be my bro ! always express themselves before sleep ! remembered during stay at the hostel of smkis last year .. HAHA..but now we can chat only from facebook . i hope our relationship has always been closely in syaa allah !

best of him is he always happy with his camera , playing guitar with his melodious voice , like to scream , lovely brother and like to teasing people*runsingrunsingrunsing . haha gila xD and also i like to read his post in english yg sempoii ^^ only that , kalau lebih2 nanti kembang pulak kan..''sudah cukup2 sudah'' song sedang bermain digegendang telinga suruh berhenti darpada terus menaip .. ohno..*laugh..before i forgot , he like to hug people ! hati hati ! BHAHA

ehemehem-dear sadiq,this is also my effort to promot your blog . please say thanks to me ! hah
wanna know more ? HERE Is his facebook and HERE is his blog,he is newbies in blogger , please support him //KBYE

the owner's

i love taking myself picture .  hope, dont have ''mouth drains'' complain about me .
hye, assalamualaikum ! today is a big day to me becoz, new blog were found today ! here is my second blog ! baru mula nak ''bertatih' actualay, not in a big boss also actually ! but, try to find new in life , try to be better than before .  if you want to know about me much ! you can visit my first blog! actually,there is also not my first blog HAHA , but only the blog was update daily ! if you want to know, i have lot og blogger account , but i'm veryveryvery lazy to update ! for me , the thousand account i create only for my research !

HAHA,when nafsu serakah in blog mood coming ,usah ditanya berapa juta blog aku akan create//but,nafsu serakah always in calm mood..if you want to know my speaking only in '' bahasa '' but , english also very important right ! for me , my english very bad, not better than you ,but  i try to speaking , try to improve , try to study more more about english ! before this, my teacher always teach ! but im so gnarly  . alwasy play like kiddy with other friends. now myself very regret !! however time has passed . nothing important than other , i must continue to learn more and more ''

by the way , today also is beautiful day , happy day because ''maulidur rasul'' was celebrate ! blessings upon the beloved prophet muhammad saw . as a human beigns on this earth,especially as the muslims, Remember that to bless the prophet will also get rewards if we always do. therefore, always bless him much OK !

just for the sake to say 'hye' . after this insya allah i will create more entry to you,love to become my partner and always come here ok.. ''LA TAHZAN''

with my ''lovey dovey'' nephew.QASEH QALISYA//
quote-baju yang kotor lebih memerlukan sabun daripada minyak wangi (IBNUL JAUZI)
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